Tuesday, 19 November 2013

Saturday, 2 November 2013

Attack the block Analysation for half term essay

Youths intimidating, mugging from the beginning 
'Fuck the Feds man' 
Killed alien and drag it round as an intimidating trophy 
'Fucking monsters' 
Become/be the stereotype they're given 
Do it to impress girls 
Role models to younger 'wannabe gangsters' (you gets)
Woman had only just seen the boys, not doing anything wrong and shouts 'you want me to call the police?' Emphasises the fact that they are already labeled as trouble makers 
When posh boy talks to the nicely they laugh in his face (children v. Adults enemies unless They're of their own kind like weed dealers)
Lead kid (Moses) put in his place by higher ranked older gangster told to 'start selling white... You're my boy now'. 
Animal Chanel foreshadowing about the moth 
Moses and dealer juxtaposed
Stereotypical chav with staff and moped
Feel empathy because the dogs killed and you see that they're not emotionless 
Blue teeth = blue glow (chronicle)
Soon enough the gangsters looked at as bad and trouble have turned into freedom fighters
 Sarcastic 'my fucking hero' foreshadows that she'll mean it later
He wants her to do something kind by asking her the wrong way 
Moses still protects everyone still 
They don't see what they're doing as wrong 'what do you mean you don't like the area?!'
Wanted to get away from them completely now doesn't want to leave their side 
Gets a feel of a 'normal day in the ends'
Moses opinion on government planning it (like in chronicle)
She saved him from the alien 
Realisation that it's all his fault (Moses)
Throughout film youths feel let down collectively 
Block look out for each other no matter what age 
Feels empathy for Moses after he Saves her and she sees his living conditions and his age
Lift where high hats was he Moses comes out the lift (juxtaposed)

Chronicle Analysation for half term essay

Andrew typical American geek with cooler friends to pity him
Were the all American dream teens, being good, you empathise Andrew as he's badly treated at home and bullied
Everyone's better than him at everything
Finds supernatural hole with blue lighting (blue representation)
Discover levitating powers
Andrew better than Matt and Steve 
Andrew makes building out of Lego all happy and friendly, foreshadowing the opposite will happen 
'Doing more' foreshadowing he'll go one way or the other (good/bad) but doesn't say anymore 
Uses telekinesis for fun and pranks as friends (causes unhappiness for receiver, beginning of the bad)  
Andrew pushes mans car into river, 'doesn't understand why they're so angry' (states beginning of the change)
Matt sets rules, if Andrew was going to use telekinesis for good then he wouldn't have a problem for this but he says 'you can't just set rules'
Flying and Andrew saves Steve from dying foreshadows the opposite will happen next time (Andrew indecisive on whether he'll be good or bad)
When Andrews talking to his dad there are two huge robots fighting in the middle of a city (foreshadowing what will happen between Matt and Andrew) 
'This is the beginning of your downfall, hubris!' Well, self explanatory. 
Embarrassment, anger, becomes his dad
Sees how easy it is to kill spider 
'You're an embarrassment' 
Dad beats Andrew, Andrew fights back hard, beginning of his violence. 
Andrew in storm, like his anger created it, turns against Steve in storm, Steve died hit by lightening. 
Andrew turning into villain. 
Andrew and Matt switch roles, Matt would've been the mean one 'jock' now Andrews the mean
Apex system 'lion does not feel guilty when it kills a gazelle.. And I think that means something' believes he is a strong lion, not to be messed with and that he should be able to hurt or kill people without feeling bad *crushes car* 
'Im stronger than you Matt' 
Andrew thinks he's beating people for good as it's for his mums medication and he beat the bad guys 
Then robs and beats up a gas station and old man and blows up gas station 
Mother dies even though the dad never seemed to care about her before he blames his not being there on Andrew even though he's on his death bed
Andrew blows up the room 
Andrew goes on to destroy city soaking up the attention 'you're weak Matt you're weak, I'm stronger than all of this'  'I'm an Apex predator' 
Andrew animalistic qualities 
Matt has to kill him in order to save the city he tried to make Andrew stop but he couldn't 
Matt has to fly away from home and start life again as they'd never believe that he wasn't doing bad like Andrew, leaves camera in Andrews place he wanted to go when he was innocent in Tibet